October 31, 2018

Last Fig

Closing night at the exhibition and guess who made an appearance... Clarence Worley and his lovely wife, Mrs. Alabama Worley. Just a couple of low-income kids selling some Doctor Zhivago.

More dount owners caught in the act. Is that Tracey Hartley in a spooky clown suit?

October 30, 2018

Wouldn't Blow

Clarence Worley: Eliot, do I look like a beautiful blonde with big tits and an ass that tastes like French vanilla ice cream?

Elliot: What?

Clarence Worley: I said do I look like a beautiful blonde with big big tits and an ass that tastes like French vanilla ice cream?

Elliot: No.

Clarence Worley: No. Okay, then why are you telling me all this bullshit, huh? You wanna fuck me?

October 24, 2018

Different Will

At The Variety to see THEE OHH SEES with Nikki and our badass Venezuelans. What an amazing show!! I've seen them a number of times and am always blown away every time. Merch was not the best... but the embroidered patch was so choice. Had to buy! Drinks and antics at CT after the show.. of course.

October 17, 2018

Break Habit

One of the artists in the group show was John Lawrence Carroll — #makeblackoutpoetry. He was doing an event tonight at the show, teaching folks how to make their own Black Out poetry. Mine is meant to be read aloud so I can give it a certain cadence. John said he hadn't thought of that.

Also happy to meet a new donut owner. They came out for Black Out... but as exhibitions go, so does the work — although not until the show closes on the 31st. #owners #captured

October 16, 2018

Grew Up

Tom S. absolutely loves Ray Johnson. Who would have thought Sean G. absolutely loves Ray Johnson too? Hanging out with strange neighbors. #notnothing

October 05, 2018

October 01, 2018

Building Carved

And PRESTO! Donut paintings are done and the group show is hung. Nikki curated the show and did an amazing job assembling a killer group of established Atlanta artists. Some FAF folks, Street Art folks, and local Fine Art folks. I hung the show... after taking mine down the day before. No sleep turnarounds. The opening tomorrow is a soft opening — but, we are doing a hardcore closing on the 31st... should be amazing.