August 30, 2018

Model Higher

The ofrendas have had some really nice offerings to each of the Saints. What's better... the exhibition has been extended through the end of September. Gotta love that!

August 13, 2018

Ceremony Belief

Working out the idea of a daily torturing and then finally setting half of the donuts (36) on fire in the studio with a live feed during the duration of the group exhibition.

August 11, 2018

Vein Failure

Hanging out for the one night only of "Who's Behind the Bar" at MINT with Michi Meko.

August 03, 2018

Unit Owned

They're back! These beauties have been sitting in my studio for around 10 years now. Time to put them to work finally.

Extreme Detection

Master format on display for the exhibition will be a 6x6 square. However, the full work in total will be 6x12 for a total of 72 works.