June 24, 2010
June 23, 2010
June 16, 2010
June 12, 2010
Our Bodies Are All Separate
BARKER - San Francisco - Warhol w/ Cherry Stem (4x6 purchased postcard)
KANKA - San Francisco - Richter (4x6 purchased postcard)
June 11, 2010
Abandoned Bird Brand
San Francisco has been pretty fun, but the highlight of this trip was my visit to the SFMOMA yesterday. There were a few pieces that are in the collection that were not on display which made me kinda upset. One of them being a Gerhard Richter painting I've wanted to see for ages... but all in all I was pretty happy. Especially with the selection of Rauschenberg works that were on display... including the Erased De Kooning Drawing from Bob's White Series. It was really interesting especially since they had the tiny work displayed right next to one of his large Black Paintings. I walked through the whole museum... skipping through most of the photo exhibit only stopping to look at a John Baldessari and a Mike Kelley work, but came back to the Rauschenberg works a total of 3 times and spent a good 2 hours looking at just 4 or 5 of his works.
I was also very excited to finally get to see an On Kawara date painting. They are so damned impressive in person, especially if you understand the technical mastery that goes into each one of those pieces. I think I stared at that piece for a good 20 minutes. After I walked away I noticed a puzzled security guard walk over to the work to see what I was doing there forever... only to see him shake his head in non-knowingness.
They had a really nice collection of Paul Klee drawing on display as well. But the odd work that most people were looking at me funny for was the unmarked Matthew Barney performance piece that was neatly hidden from view if you didn't know what to look for. There were a number of people who came to where I was standing and asked me what in the world I was looking at after they couldn't see it over a number of minutes on their own. The first thing I noticed was a drawing scrawled high up in a remote corner of the lobby ceiling... my eyes then trained on rope, climbing clips that trailed across the ceiling and flowing back to a set of white rock climbing pegs and ending at a hidden pile of vaseline with a small white object in it. It was total Barney... I was just surprised to find that there were no call outs to the piece. No place cards nothing... thats why people were looking at me so strange I guess. I was a nice find on my part I thought.
The Lebbeus Woods works blew me away... I wasn't familiar with this artist/architect. I was so inspired by the (6) drawings fabrication. The Richard Tuttle work was very inspirational as well. I haven't seen too much outside of books and watching him work in videos. I think besides seeing more Rauschenberg works up close... these 2 guys left the biggest impression on me in terms of how to complete some of my works that are in production.
Richard Prince - Untitled (Cowboy) [1991-1992]
Jeff Koons - Michael Jackson and Bubbles [1988]
On Kawara - MAR. 16, 1993, from the "Today" Series [1993]
Robert Rauschenberg - Collection (formerly Untitled) [1954]
Robert Rauschenberg - Erased de Kooning Drawing [1953]
Robert Rauschenberg - Untitled (Glossy Black Painting) [1951]
Bruce Nauman - Wax Impressions of the Knees of Five Famous Artists [1966]
Richard Tuttle - (details unknown)
James Rosenquist - Leaky Ride for Dr. Leakey [1983]
Robert Motherwell - Untitled (Figuration) [1948]
Matthew Barney - Drawing Restraint 14 [2006]
Werner Herzog - (Promotional Poster)
Lebbeus Woods - San Francisco Project: Inhabiting the Quake, Quake City [1995]
Lebbeus Woods - Nine Reconstructed Boxes [1999]
June 05, 2010
Rules For The More Marked Maker
Here is an interesting article and test case to check out.
This Is What Happens When You Re-Upload a YouTube Video 1,000 Times
June 04, 2010
Unreasonable Northern Proxy
National Donut Day is on the first Friday of June each year, succeeding the Donut Day event created by the Salvation Army in 1938 to honor the women who served donuts to soldiers during World War I.[1] The holiday celebrates the doughnut (a.k.a "donut") — an edible, torus-shaped piece of dough which is deep-fried and sweetened. Many American doughnut stores offer free doughnuts on National Doughnut Day. In 2009, both independent doughnut shops[2] and large national franchises offered free doughnuts in the United States.[3][4][5]
Chris Parry from the Vancouver Sun noted in a satirical column that some Canadians are jealous of the U.S. holiday.[6]
National Doughnut Day started in 1938[1] as a fund raiser for the Chicago Salvation Army. Their goal was to help the needy during the Great Depression, and to honor the Salvation Army "Lassies" of World War I, who served doughnuts to soldiers.
Soon after the US entrance into World War I in 1917, the Salvation Army sent a fact-finding mission to France. The mission concluded that "huts" that could serve baked goods, provide writing supplies and stamps, and provide a clothes-mending service, would serve the needs of US enlisted men. Six staff members per hut should include four female volunteers who could "mother" the boys.
About 250 Salvation Army volunteers went to France. Because of the difficulties of providing freshly-baked goods from huts established in abandoned buildings near to the front lines, two Salvation Army volunteers (Ensign Margaret Sheldon and Adjutant Helen Purviance) came up with the idea of providing doughnuts. These are reported to have been an "instant hit", and "soon many soldiers were visiting Salvation Army huts". Margaret Sheldon wrote of one busy day "Today I made 22 pies, 300 doughnuts, 700 cups of coffee."
A legend has spread that the provision of doughnuts to US enlisted men in World War I is the origin of the term doughboy to describe US infantry, but the term was in use as early as the Mexican-American War of 1846-47.
It is still a fund raiser run by The Salvation Army.