October 31, 2009

Down The Road Past The Ground

Napoleon Phase IV - The Final Chapter

So this morning I dropped Chuk back off at his car over at the Highlander. He couldn't drive it last night. Then called up Kanka and met up where I destroyed the special of the day at Blue Bird. It was 2 pork chops in apple cider sour kraut with some scrambled eggs and a biscuit with jam for me. Then Kanka said we needed a drink to follow, so we headed to ElMyr... a place I would be hitting up later that night anyways for the festivities. I wasn't to thrilled with the idea... but I did that shit anyways.

I had to pick up my parents at the airport that evening so the make-up process started really late... didn't get on the road untill 11PM. And POOF after 4 hours your make-up is done. It's seriously that easy, anyone can do it.

October 30, 2009

Clay Pots Broken Sour

Napoleon Phase III - OHH MY GOD... MY ARM!!!

Out on the town with Chuk tonight. Dames a'Flame, Clairmont Lounge and The Highlander... ohh my, what a night.

October 29, 2009

In Town Everything Loaded

Decided that I like this piece too much to give it to POLYart. I'm going to submit something else instead.

October 28, 2009

Blistered Content Legend

Trying to get this piece wrapped up for drop off to the PolyART show by tomorrow afternoon. Be working on this through the night to wrap it up. I still have to finish painting M and add some more parts to the composition.

The pink splash is what was left from an empty bottle of Pepto-Bismol. That stuff is really tasty.

October 26, 2009

Other Parts Serious And Known

As en exercise to get back into painting more often again (before I execute the piece for PolyART in the next day) I'm doing a pair of Bruce Willis Hudson Hawk postcards. Started the base postcards when I was in Buffalo over July 4th, so it's nice to get these wrapped up a bit more.

October 24, 2009

Natural Eastern Swept Clean To Coast

Preping the make-up for Napoleon phase II. This time I am tooling around with latex and some other goodies. The idea is to push the makeup one step further each time I did this costume. So I may end up with no face by the end of the month... if I did this every night.

And there you go... it's just that simple - (2 hours later).

Napoleon enters "Haunting at Admiral Drive II" and meets a whole cast of creeps and goolies.

October 23, 2009

Almost Ahead And Yes

Big ol' bag of chips and ElMyr dips for my mother who is coming into town this evening.

October 22, 2009

Boasting The Serious Message

So I'm at the dentist waiting to get a tooth pulled... It's my #31 that is coming out. It's a good number, so I'm not too upset about it. The bummer is the fact that we are cutting it out, instead of pulling... So I'm not gonna be able to keep it this time around.

After I get this pulled I have to drive back to Atlanta. Not the greatest plan in the world, but I have people to pick up at the airport - so what are you gonna do. I'm definitly headed over to ElMyr to get a few drinks in me tonight because of this medical excitement. Gonna drop in a say hello to my parents before I jump back on the highway.

I've got to get my piece pulled together this weekend for the PolyArt show coming up... As well as begin production on that set of Monster paintings I'm knocking out.

Saturday is a huge ass party at Chuk's house, so I'll probably be useless come Sunday... But that is still days away. Gonna be busting out the Napoleon costume again for the party. Gonna try a few new makeup tricks this time round. See if I can perfect things before I wear this piece one last time on Halloween.

-- Post From My iPhone

October 20, 2009

October 18, 2009

Let Who Made Me Believe

Figuring out the Thurston Moore piece. Forgot I had my bucket full of broken and worn down drum sticks. Going to do this piece as a real functioning electric guitar when I get it going.

October 16, 2009

A New Detection Of Old

Working on the ElMyr float with Michael, Alex and Deck, the day before the L5 parade.

October 15, 2009

Know What It Is To Originate

Setting up the Britney Spears piece for a gold leaf treatment. I had finished the main portion of this piece some time back, but hadn't done anything for the frame yet. So I constructed one out of balsa. This is some of the balsa a bought at clearance a while back a Hobby Lobby total steal on them... I bought everything they had outright.

Added a coat of red guilding primer and then after it had cured I added the adhesive cured that and applied the foil.