April 05, 2009

You Know I'm One At A Time

Working on a set of Amy Winehouse postcards. I've had these in the works since last year when she was on the cover of the Sun with photos of her smoking crack. Fun stuff that crack. While I'm not interested at all with Amy as a performer... I'm totally interested in her as a train wreck.
Yeah there are also a large amount of du=onuts in pre-production as well again.

April 03, 2009

Sometime Between An Easterly Trajectory

Working on a new set of prints - 3 sets of 5. The series is based on my feelings and impressions of the G20 summit. Currently putting them together... there are several more layers in each of these prints still.

I'll be offering works like these and similar items in the store by the end of the month. the goal is to offer a new limited set of original prints each month based on some relevant timely topic.

April 02, 2009

Least Establish A Massacre

Was out at Nate Moores' exhibition opening tonight at the Robert C. Williams Paper Museum here in town. Really great installation. The work looked clean and prodigious in the space. Great setting as it was really accommodating to get the time to inspect and dissect the art work in peace... this time without the hustle and bustle of the ATL airport taking ones attention away at every moment.

Then it was too many drinks at El Myr later that evening with the artist himself and other assorted friends.

April 01, 2009

Surprisingly-Useful Devourer

If I could only get my studio to output my paintings in this kinda fashion, I'd be set!