March 14, 2007

What Was That Word... The Word Is


Well I've been busting my ass these past two days putting together the online store so it not only runs like a charm but features some pretty killer stuff at discounted prices mind you. So by next week the new store should be a link on the site along with Suppositions, Slants & Suspicions. Ohh what is the store called... well right now I'm calling it Tributes, Treasures & Trash. Can you see a theme here... I like it's fine enough for right now, until I think of some better words. I've been to busy programing the sucker to have time to actually get clever... well the product descriptions are pretty clever... especially the Site Special (which is a damn good deal considering), but it's all bound to be rewritten into something even better in the next few days. There will be 20 products... err should I say types of art available on the site and we accept all major credit cards. Of course it's all through Paypal right now because my poor ass can't afford an SSL license and a Merchants account... but if the money starts to roll in well then you won't have to sign up for a Paypal account, but heck everyone pretty much has one so what the hell. Not only will the work be availble at but it will also be on Ebay on a 'Buy Now' type basis.. no bidding shit... I hate that stuff. You should pay what its worth and thats it as far as I'm concerned. SO anyways... I've already had about 4 people looking to buy donuts in the past day because they've seem them either around town, at friends homes, or online so the site will be up soon and I expect things to sell fast... especially at the prices I've got. We shall see though... so to all my friends, don't be dicks, why don't you buy something from me for once in your life... this poor soul needs it more than you... and my days of giving things away are pretty much thru... except on x-mas and birthday... you all deserve a little some'n some'n on those days.

Smiles - Schaefer

March 13, 2007

March 11, 2007

So So So Good


Newscast Uses Shocking Krispy Kreme Graphic
"So Good you'll Suck Dick" - An NBC station in August, Georgia recently did a story on Krispy Kreme's new low calorie donuts... unfortunately it doesn't look like they have an eagle-eyed newsroom staff based on the graphic they used, which shocked several residents.

THIS IS SO GOOD... I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN MY JOY IN FINDING THIS GEM OF A CLIP!!! Ohhh yeah... and buy my Donut Paintings... They too are sooo good, you'll suck dick.

March 10, 2007

Rather Put It Aside Than Make A Connection


MARCH 10, 2007
BARKER - Bacon Bits B (stuffed envelope)

March 09, 2007

Logic Over Reason


I've been really busy lately developing the new website —, which this blog is hosted on. It's really difficult because I'm dealing with well over a thousand works of art to post and trying to find the most effective navigational system to go about it. The big job currently is preparing all the images for the web with proper naming conventions... then of course the programing of the thing. This site needs to be able to handle my work for the next 10 years easily or until I can afford to hire someone to manage it for me (yeah right). Unlike the previous site which had a god-awful opening time of 15+ minutes, was built like a piece of garbage and was too big for even my own laptop to view without scroling like nuts, this site will open in seconds, launch sections of images the same and be tight and small.
The main sections of the site that will be functioning first will be the online store and the first major section of the site 'Correspondence'. I've decided to order that section by mailing dates instead of by individual people I've mailed. This will allow me to create a smarter navigational system begining now and throughout the future, almost the same way the blog works. Considering the only thing all my correspondences have in common is the date they are sent on, it makes perfect sence. It will be a 'backward' system starting with the most current dates and moving back to the beginning of it all, some 7 years ago. There are close to 800 pieces in this section alone and still growing, so I figure if I can design a smart system around that body of work, all the other sections of work will fall into place pretty easily. I'm running a hidden BETA version of it on the web as I type this and hope to have it go live on April Fools Day... but no jokes about it. It runs really fast... even though I'm dealing with over a GB of data (images/audio/video) that the site pulls from.

MARCH 09, 2007
BARKER - Bacon Bits A (stuffed envelope)

March 06, 2007

On Another Mans Knife


MARCH 06, 2007
BARKER - Bacon Gone Crackers B (postcard)
ZELTZER - Why Ask Why 10 Years Later... (postcard)

March 05, 2007

My Lips Don't Know What Your Kiss Is Saying


MARCH 05, 2007
BARKER - Bacon Gone Crackers A (postcard)
KANKA - Don't Believe Girls Get Funky (stuffed envelope)
ZELTZER - Why Ask Why 1996 (postcard)

March 02, 2007

I Had Three A Day


Saw Tim & Eric Awesome Show LIVE last night at the Earl in East Atlanta. Great show, though I think I drank too much, but not too much that I wasn't able to compile some of the video clips I shot with my crummy digital camera from the show. I wish I had brought my video camera, but ohh well. If you didn't go you missed out.