December 25, 2007

You'll Totally Shoot Your Eye Out


Mama Juana is a drink from the Dominican Republic that is concocted by allowing rum, red wine, and honey to soak in a bottle with tree bark and herbs. The taste is quite similar to port wine and the color is a deep red. It is seen and advertised as an aphrodisiac. Many Dominicans make homemade Mama Juana. Many Natives of the Dominican Republic claim that Mama Juana has similar effects to Viagra, stating that it increases sexual drive and desire and increases the male libido.

November 26, 2007

Waste All Your Thoughts At Night


December 1st - 23rd
Opening: Saturday, December 1st 7-11pm
Young Blood Gallery

I dropped by Kanka's studio yesterday and got some photographs shot of the piece on a clean white seamless before I dropped it off at the gallery.