November 29, 2006

In Other News

Too busy building to post on here right now. Not very interesting to write about building sites... let alone read about building a site while on a site... anyways.

November 08, 2006

The Wedding Of Souls Is Attended, But Never Seen Nor Heard


August Schaefer von Wienwald
Albert Quirin Schaefer
Bertha Schaefer
Carl Fellman Schaefer
David Schaefer
Dirk Schaefer
E. Schaefer
Frederic Schaefer
Ilse Schaefer
Johannes Schaefer
Josephine Marie Schaefer
Matthew J. Schaefer
Marco P. Schaefer
Ron Schaefer
Thomas Arthur Schaefer

Dumped the old cherrylipped site yesterday at exactly 5pm as planned and put up the temp page. I've plowed thru the new sites front-end with a force I've never had before. The actual copy writing content came fast and the layout and mechanics weaved in even faster. I predict I may have a functional, though not complete site as far as the fine art section is concerned ready for business this monday morning. That would be a most welcome event to my dismale state as of late. No Rimbaud to quote this evening though it's still in the back of my mind... too busy working. With the site up I'll have a better outlet and go-to for drumming up business once again and then things will really start to turn around. It's that one little thing that I need for motivation and boy it'll be a good one to throw out there.

November 07, 2006

Human Consciousness & Civilization

Dropping the main site today for updating, probably around 5pm. There will be links to other cherrylipped sites, but the main site which will now feature graphic design, illustration, and fine art should be back up and running faster than ever real soon!!

November 06, 2006

Rubbed By A Muzzle That Growls

An endless farce? My innocence would make me weep. Life is the farce we all play.

Yeah so I've been reading a little too much Rimbaud lately...

Working on a the new set of 9 Blue Jughead paintings today and other junk as well. Very overcast and gloomy today, but mild. I need to get working on the rebuild of my website at some point this week. Prehaps I'll begin that this wednesday... it really needs a business end update. Barker suggested that I offer some of my work for sale online... another thing that I'm not sure whether I'd want to do and if I did how to go about it.

November 05, 2006

Damn The Face Of My Own Selfless Trek

Romance as I believed it, was this fleting ideal where every gesture is extended and every gesture is blessed by a whole chorus of angels in heaven. In all truth... what romance truely is — it's every excess... every selfless act that is somehow part of the quest for the truth of being. There is nothing spellbinding about it... it's more like something you watch, like a car accident.

November 04, 2006

If You Do, You Start Missing Everybody

I am lost in a very dark and microscopic place. All of my own doing. Locked into my own contrition of altruistic ideals that have broken me down into a crippled version of self.

November 02, 2006

We're Nowhere When You Get There

Passion is too fleeting an emotion to hold to... it will only tear you apart as it unfurls you along with it, into oblivion.

November 01, 2006

I Am Product

Screw halloween and the rest of it. Getting out of this fuckin' town for a few days. Headed to Waverly for a bit to find the real tricker-treaters of the world. Hell I woulda settled for 17 year old kids without costumes last night... though I'd normally tell those types to piss-off. Ha ha ha... In the real world though, I need to head out there so I can take down 'Sweet Tooth' and bring what's left of it home. All I'm really upset about is having to load it up into the car all over again. It is gonna suck big time beacuse it was a pain to pack the first time and now I also have Richie Rich pieces to add to that mix. Ohh well nothing a few drinks and friends can't fix.