February 28, 2005
February 27, 2005
Flagstaff, Arizona IV
FEBRUARY 27, 2005
BARKER - Omitted Jughead 14 (postcard)
BARKER - Other Peoples Words: Silver Indians 02 (postcard)
BARKER - Fred Flintstone A (postcard)
BARKER - Fred Flintstone B (postcard)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 16 (postcard)
NEWMAN - Elvis Sightings (wood postcard)
NEWMAN - Twinky the Kid A (postcard)
NEWMAN - Twinky the Kid B (postcard)
NEWMAN - Twinky the Kid C (postcard)
NEWMAN - Twinky the Kid D (postcard)
BARKER - Things From Town of Flagstaff-AZ 02 (stuffed envelope)
NEWMAN - Things From Town of Flagstaff-AZ 01 (stuffed envelope)


FEBRUARY 27, 2005
BARKER - Omitted Jughead 14 (postcard)
BARKER - Other Peoples Words: Silver Indians 02 (postcard)
BARKER - Fred Flintstone A (postcard)
BARKER - Fred Flintstone B (postcard)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 16 (postcard)
NEWMAN - Elvis Sightings (wood postcard)
NEWMAN - Twinky the Kid A (postcard)
NEWMAN - Twinky the Kid B (postcard)
NEWMAN - Twinky the Kid C (postcard)
NEWMAN - Twinky the Kid D (postcard)
BARKER - Things From Town of Flagstaff-AZ 02 (stuffed envelope)
NEWMAN - Things From Town of Flagstaff-AZ 01 (stuffed envelope)


February 26, 2005
Flagstaff, Arizona III
Woke up early again, grabbed some breakfast in the hotel lobby and headed to our 2nd photo shoot (ice rink again). Afterwards we decided we walk around the downtown area again and find a place to eat. Found a really cool little shop that sold all sorts of good stuff. Alternative/junkmans Daughter type place. Purchaced several more postcards and some colored b/w photographs 90¢ each. Also bought a ton of little button with all sorts of randon things on them (heart diagram, dance steps diagram, pigtailed little girl, Niagra Falls map, Micheal J. Fox, DEVIL in red, and a few more for friends). The real gem from this store was a wonderful book about sending mail to dead people. Yeah really cool... of course i feel the premise is total bullshit, but granted it still a clever idea and a beautiful book ($20). The ‘Flagstaff punk rock girl’ at the stores counter turned us onto a great local brewery for lunch. Really good beer and snacks. Purchaced a jug of their Dobblenag beer (double strong) to drink at the hotel.
Eat some pizza in the hotel lobby. Made a ton of postcards tonight. I'm going to send them all out in the morning... even though it's sunday. I displayed some of the post cards near the hotel fire place so as to help them dry and cause people walking by to look at them. One couple came by and sat right next to them so I asked if they'd like to add something to the cards I was doing for Newman. The girl wrote a line of text and the guy draw a toe with six toes. I told both to doo the exact same thing on each card... the toes look really funny... he totally drew it the same way each time.
Kanka and I later wandered through some party in a ball room where there were sopisticated people gambeling. I started calling out for Chrissy and even asked a few people if they had seen Chrissy... but no one replied... ohh... and I was wearing my coboy hat too. Stole a blue marker from a table and came upstairs to my room.
Eat some pizza in the hotel lobby. Made a ton of postcards tonight. I'm going to send them all out in the morning... even though it's sunday. I displayed some of the post cards near the hotel fire place so as to help them dry and cause people walking by to look at them. One couple came by and sat right next to them so I asked if they'd like to add something to the cards I was doing for Newman. The girl wrote a line of text and the guy draw a toe with six toes. I told both to doo the exact same thing on each card... the toes look really funny... he totally drew it the same way each time.
Kanka and I later wandered through some party in a ball room where there were sopisticated people gambeling. I started calling out for Chrissy and even asked a few people if they had seen Chrissy... but no one replied... ohh... and I was wearing my coboy hat too. Stole a blue marker from a table and came upstairs to my room.
February 25, 2005
Flagstaff, Arizona II
Got up early and went to our first of 2 photoshoots which ended at noon. My feet got really cold... we were on a ice skating rink for about 3 hours. Left the shoot and walked the downtown Flagstaff area untill we found a bar where we thought we could get a Guniess and a glass of Scotch. Went into an interesting Irish Pub (as usuall when traveling) and ordered a pint of Guiness. Kanka asked the waitress what kinds of single malts they had, to which she replied ok a single malt. We kind of looked at her funnny because she began to write single malt on the ticket... Kanka said “No... single malt scotch.” The waitress said she would find out. At the bar she asked the mexican bartender what single malts they had to which he picked up a bottle of J&B and said we have this. Kanka and I looked at each other, smiled, and then Kanka walked up to the bar and pointed to the large selection of single malt scotches on the top row above the J&B and instructed the mexican that J&B was not a single malt. Finally got drinks and food. I proceeded to make a piece of art on 2 one dollar bills to hang on the bars walls which were litered with thousands of bills crudly written on by local frat jerks and the everyday traveler. The bills were strategicly color black and silver and each had an american flag 37¢ stamp placed over washingtons face. I then taped the 2 bills together bottom to bottom. Kanak colored a dollar bill all black but left Washingtons head floatin in space. After the meal I got a stapel gun and placed them on the wall next to where we sat.
Dollar Bills:
L 91154423 S
I 03958929 A

We headed abck to the hotel and them made our way 1 hour north in search of the Grand Canyon (a.k.a. Big Hole). We left Flagstaffs 6,500 feet elevation and reached 8,046 feet at on point during the trip. Again another huge climite shift as we went from 45°F with a light snow flurry to 30°F and snow everywhere and then to 58°F with clear blue skies. We stopped off on the way there for several photo ops (Fred Flintstone). Before we got to the canyon we decided to grab a beer to bring to drink while we sat at the canyon edge. Heiniken $3.99 a bottle!!! Pricey shit... damn tourist trap gas stations. Kanka told the guy that they were really to pricey and the guy said “Hey I’m giving you a free bag”, to which Kanka replied “Ohh wow will you autograph that too then.” Really confused the guy. Made it to the Big Hole ($10.00 seven day pass) and took several pictures of us on the edge — MISSION #1. We had our pricey beers while we drove from viewing point to viewing point — MISSION #2. We pissed over the edge into the canyon —MISSION #3. The canyon rocked... ha ha. Glad we got out to it. Stopped at a little Indian trading post, Kanka wanted to purchace an authentic peace pipe. i purchaced several postcards (paper, wood, copper plate) and also bought a sweet leather cowboy hat. Finally found one to fit my big skull. We drove back and dealt with the same changing climates again. On the way up I commented that some of the snow drifts on the side of the rode where so deep you’d fall waist deep in them. Kanka stopped the car when we got back to the 8,046 feet sign to take a picture 27°F this round. He took a few steps toward the sign and feel knee deep into the drift, with each footstep shouting FUCK!! FUCK!! He got his photograph but he also got a nice hot foot.
Made it back to the hotel and went down tothe lobby bar for a drink. Decided we didn’t want to go out so we had sushi at the bar and more drinks (tons of wasabi). I worked on some different postcards for Barker. I created a set made from overhead shots of Flagstaff and affixed a cut out of Fred Flintstone. I got tired of using my hair gel to glue things together so I dumped wax from the candles on the tables to fix them to the cards.
FEBRUARY 25, 2005
BARKER - Omitted Jughead 13(postcard)
BARKER - Other Peoples Words: Silver Indians 01 (postcard)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 15 (postcard)
Dollar Bills:
L 91154423 S
I 03958929 A

We headed abck to the hotel and them made our way 1 hour north in search of the Grand Canyon (a.k.a. Big Hole). We left Flagstaffs 6,500 feet elevation and reached 8,046 feet at on point during the trip. Again another huge climite shift as we went from 45°F with a light snow flurry to 30°F and snow everywhere and then to 58°F with clear blue skies. We stopped off on the way there for several photo ops (Fred Flintstone). Before we got to the canyon we decided to grab a beer to bring to drink while we sat at the canyon edge. Heiniken $3.99 a bottle!!! Pricey shit... damn tourist trap gas stations. Kanka told the guy that they were really to pricey and the guy said “Hey I’m giving you a free bag”, to which Kanka replied “Ohh wow will you autograph that too then.” Really confused the guy. Made it to the Big Hole ($10.00 seven day pass) and took several pictures of us on the edge — MISSION #1. We had our pricey beers while we drove from viewing point to viewing point — MISSION #2. We pissed over the edge into the canyon —MISSION #3. The canyon rocked... ha ha. Glad we got out to it. Stopped at a little Indian trading post, Kanka wanted to purchace an authentic peace pipe. i purchaced several postcards (paper, wood, copper plate) and also bought a sweet leather cowboy hat. Finally found one to fit my big skull. We drove back and dealt with the same changing climates again. On the way up I commented that some of the snow drifts on the side of the rode where so deep you’d fall waist deep in them. Kanka stopped the car when we got back to the 8,046 feet sign to take a picture 27°F this round. He took a few steps toward the sign and feel knee deep into the drift, with each footstep shouting FUCK!! FUCK!! He got his photograph but he also got a nice hot foot.
Made it back to the hotel and went down tothe lobby bar for a drink. Decided we didn’t want to go out so we had sushi at the bar and more drinks (tons of wasabi). I worked on some different postcards for Barker. I created a set made from overhead shots of Flagstaff and affixed a cut out of Fred Flintstone. I got tired of using my hair gel to glue things together so I dumped wax from the candles on the tables to fix them to the cards.
FEBRUARY 25, 2005
BARKER - Omitted Jughead 13(postcard)
BARKER - Other Peoples Words: Silver Indians 01 (postcard)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 15 (postcard)
February 24, 2005
Flagstaff, Arizona I
Flew out to Phoenix, Arizona today with Kanka for another job related photoshooot (Special Olymics in Flagstaff). Nice long 4 hour flight. I decided I’d switch seats at the gate so I could sit with Kanka — bad idea — 4 hour flight between Kanka and the fattest woman I’ve seen in a while. Befopre the flight Kanka commented that prehaps you’ll get to sit next to apretty brunette. Dead wrong. After the flight was over I declared that it would be the only bad part of the entire trip. We grabbed our rental car and hit I-17 to Flagstaff. We stopped the car after we enter an area that was coated with cacti... hundreds of them. I don’t remeber seeing realm cactus up cloase and personal like this so we were extrremely pleaded to have the chance to get up close. Kanak shoot photographs of the landscape while I feared rattlesnake bite.
Went from desert to snow covered highway in less than an hour... crazy state. Checked into the hotel and went to eat mexican at Casa Bonita... I stole the menu cover for Kanka because Casa Bonita was a place from a South Park episode. Had a few beers and some Patron and Don Julio. Got back to the hotel and just completed a postcard for Barker.
Went from desert to snow covered highway in less than an hour... crazy state. Checked into the hotel and went to eat mexican at Casa Bonita... I stole the menu cover for Kanka because Casa Bonita was a place from a South Park episode. Had a few beers and some Patron and Don Julio. Got back to the hotel and just completed a postcard for Barker.
February 23, 2005
February 22, 2005
Get My Mail On
FEBRUARY 22, 2005
BARKER - Omitted Jughead 12(postcard)
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 08 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 14 (postcard)


FEBRUARY 22, 2005
BARKER - Omitted Jughead 12(postcard)
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 08 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 14 (postcard)


February 21, 2005
Another Government Holiday
Back into the grind again today... lots of travel and hotel booking... yes!! Couldn't send any mail today because of the governement holiday ohh well. Worked on a few correspondences for barker today as well as the 'Girls Valentines'. They are looking really really good. Thats it... pretty boring day. I did recieve my Ray Johnson stuff today though. Must have come last week. How to Draw a Bunny (DVD) - Ray Johnson: Correspondence (hardback book)
February 20, 2005
Kansas City, Missouri III
Flying back to Atlanta today. Woke up and had breakfast in the lobby with the boys. Packed our shit and hit the road for the airport. Had lunch inside airport and a beer... micro-brew. Got back to Atlanta and put my little boy on my hand cart as we walked back to the Kanka's car — D-61 not C-21. Alot of strage looks from people. Got back to the house and introduced the little boy to his new home. Had a few martinis and chilled with Kanka for a bit. We fly out again this next thurday for Flagstaff. Yeah... we like security!
February 19, 2005
Kansas City, Missouri II
Woke up and forced my self to eat breakfast. No one else joined me. Eventually we packed up our shit and heaed to lunch at Houstons. Wasn't really hungry after breakfast so boxed my food to go. Went to that days photoshoot. Warehouse full of junk and such. I rescued a little boy doll from a dumpster and made sure he made it to the car for eventual travel back to Atlanta. We got back to the hotel and whle waiting for the elevator a little girl say my little boy doll and gave the blankest most frightened expression I'd ever seen. Kanka saw her too and said she'd probably be mentally scared for life because of my little boy — we laffed. Went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse for dinner and had a nice big meal. Left Ruth's and decided to find another bar to drink at. Stopped in a Barnes & Nobles and purchased 4 new art books - Richard Prince: Photography/Painting - Themes & Movements: Conceptual Art - Pop Art - Ringo Stars: Postcards From the Boys. Good stuff. Ended up back at the irish Pub and had just a few Guinesses. Keeping to my pledge from earlier that day, that I wouldn't have a drink tonight until I had a drink. Another bad cover band played... but there were tons of hot girls... WOW. Kanak and i went back to hotel early. Schrier went out with his friend for a while longer.
FEBRUARY 19, 2005
BARKER - Other Peoples Words: White Elks 02 (postcard)
FEBRUARY 19, 2005
BARKER - Other Peoples Words: White Elks 02 (postcard)
February 18, 2005
Kansas City, Missouri I
Woke up really early and ate breakfast in the lobby of the hotel. Kanka wondered how he was supposed to eat so early in the morning... I had to agree. Schrier ate 2 plates however. We headed into the bad parts of Kansas City for our only photoshoot that day and they returned back to the hotel. Decided we'd grab a drink and went back to the Irish Pub and had a few guiness. Then Schrier thought we'd head down the street to another bar and have a few drinks there and then go eat dinner. Well... we never made it to dinner... but we did enjoy many games of pool and some delicious Don Julio. They didn't have Patron but I assured the group that it was just as good. Schrier bailed out early, leaving Kanka and I alone to drink more. We left that bar, because of crazy blonde girls who were harrassing us. We ran into Schriers friend on the way out and went with him back to the Irish Pub. PACKED TO THE GILLS... and more shitty cover bands playing. Kanka and I ordered a guiness and a scotch. Crazy blonde girls showed up there as well. Kanka spilled his Guiness, I put my down (away from my stomach) and we both had about 2 sips of our scotch before we headed back to the hotel.
February 17, 2005
Denver, Colorado II
Woke up early this morning. We shoot at 3 locations across the Denver area. Went to a cool tavern for lunch. they had what looked like fossilized dinosaurs in rock, but the fossils were actually metal screws and bolts. Very cool stuff... they also had some interesting crosses made out of metal too. Had a really good club sandwich on homemade flat bread. Was kinda pissed because I couldn't bring my doggie bag with me. Got to the airport early so we had a few drinks at the 'Cowboy Bar' at Denver International (the guiness was horrible — can). Boarded another airplane destined for Kansas City and arrived just before sundown. Schrier went to sleep as Kanka and I dropped our shit in our rooms and wandered the downtown untill we found a nice little Irish Pub — alot like Fado's. Guiness and double scotch. There was a cover band playing on the stage there. They sucked really bad and we considered throwing things at them, but didn't.
FEBRUARY 17, 2005
BARKER - Other Peoples Words: White Elks 01 (postcard)
FEBRUARY 17, 2005
BARKER - Other Peoples Words: White Elks 01 (postcard)
February 16, 2005
Denver, Colorado I
Flew into Denver this morning with Kanka and Schrier for a photo shoot for work. The flight was a bit long... ohh well can't complain I have many more to come. Drove to Boulder to eat dinner and drink, then walked around the city afterwards. Got back to the hotel and had a few drinks (scotch) and I made a postcard for Barker.
February 15, 2005
Valentine Correspondence UPDATE
Well I have run out of time working on these Valentine Correspondences. I was not able to mail any of them yesterday. I'm going to continue to work on them, but they probably won't be mailed for a week or so. I have a lot of traveling coming up in the next 2 weeks. It's going to be difficult to get correspondences out the door. Ohh well there are many other things that need to be done as well. I'll try to send out a few postcards while I'm on the road.
February 14, 2005
Birthday Blues - Valentine Melancholy
FEBRUARY 14, 2005
BARKER - Omitted Jughead 11(postcard)
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 07 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 12 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 11 (postcard)
FEBRUARY 14, 2005
BARKER - Omitted Jughead 11(postcard)
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 07 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 12 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 11 (postcard)
February 13, 2005
Cranking Away
Got up early this morning and started working again in the kitchen. Still working on these special valentine correspondences for the girls. It's taking about 4 coats of acrylic paint to really get these colors to pop. Doing a nice little stripe pattern on each that relates to the contents. Originally I was going to do each one the same — same color pattern scheme. But I have decided that while each will have the same pattern each will vary in how the colors are ordered. This will give them a more personalized unique flare. I worked on the painting of these until about 3pm, had dinner with the folks and then hit the road for Atlanta at about 5. I got back around 7 and did some general stuff around the house, but plan on getting back to these girl correspondences shortly.
I watched a really great documentary last night called 'Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time'. It was really great. I've read a few things about Andy in the past and have always been interested in his work, but with this film you really get to see him in his element. The entire film follows him around as he creates his work - he's an environmental sculptor. Really fascinating philosophy about the world and his art. Check it out.
Barker, you're right.... you know your shit brother. Didn't mean to make it sound like you didn't.
I watched a really great documentary last night called 'Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time'. It was really great. I've read a few things about Andy in the past and have always been interested in his work, but with this film you really get to see him in his element. The entire film follows him around as he creates his work - he's an environmental sculptor. Really fascinating philosophy about the world and his art. Check it out.
Barker, you're right.... you know your shit brother. Didn't mean to make it sound like you didn't.
February 12, 2005
Home Again - Home Again - Jiggidy Jig
So today I drove up to my parents house to spend the weekend... err really one day. Got in about noon and helped my father build a lean-to in the back yard for storing firewood under. Took us a while to realize that even though it was level it had to be unlevel to look correct to the naked eye. Long story short we got it done. I spent the rest of the day in their kitchen working on correspondences and trying to explain postal rates to my mother. She was convinced that I wasn't using enough stamps on a particular set of Valentine correspondences so to make her happy I added another stamp to the envelopes. Barker is correct however... most times we are using too much postage... or at least myself.
I almost completed the first set of five special valentine correspondences for boys. I think the people I'm sending them to will get a real kick out of them. Even had my mother help out out with a few parts of it. She hand-lettered the little interior envelopes in red ink — looked great. Later in the day I started work on the second set of five special valentine correspondences for girls. Each of these is hand painted and is taking a lot of time. My father asked why I just didn't spray paint them so I could get done quicker. I explained to him that sometimes in art the method in which you work is as or more important than the efficiency behind the making of the object. The time you put into your work and the process of making the object is also a part of the work, it becomes ingrained into the work. Whether anyone notices or not the process is very important to how the artist works. I told him about Tom Friedmans work titled '1,000 Hours', which is a piece of blank white paper that Friedman supposedly stared at for 1,000 hours. I explained that he could have just hung a blank sheet of paper on the wall and said he stared at it for 1,000 hours and no one would know the difference... but the artist would. It would annul his working method if he lied about how it was made. Sometimes you just can not cut corners. I think he understood.
These 2 sets of special valentine correspondences are taking a little longer than I expected so I don't believe they will be completed in time to mail on the 14th. However, I'm going to complete them anyways and mail them as soon as I can. I figure it will be wednesday before I can send them. Ohh well, better late than never. Again, can't cheat the process.
I almost completed the first set of five special valentine correspondences for boys. I think the people I'm sending them to will get a real kick out of them. Even had my mother help out out with a few parts of it. She hand-lettered the little interior envelopes in red ink — looked great. Later in the day I started work on the second set of five special valentine correspondences for girls. Each of these is hand painted and is taking a lot of time. My father asked why I just didn't spray paint them so I could get done quicker. I explained to him that sometimes in art the method in which you work is as or more important than the efficiency behind the making of the object. The time you put into your work and the process of making the object is also a part of the work, it becomes ingrained into the work. Whether anyone notices or not the process is very important to how the artist works. I told him about Tom Friedmans work titled '1,000 Hours', which is a piece of blank white paper that Friedman supposedly stared at for 1,000 hours. I explained that he could have just hung a blank sheet of paper on the wall and said he stared at it for 1,000 hours and no one would know the difference... but the artist would. It would annul his working method if he lied about how it was made. Sometimes you just can not cut corners. I think he understood.
These 2 sets of special valentine correspondences are taking a little longer than I expected so I don't believe they will be completed in time to mail on the 14th. However, I'm going to complete them anyways and mail them as soon as I can. I figure it will be wednesday before I can send them. Ohh well, better late than never. Again, can't cheat the process.
February 11, 2005
FEBRUARY 11, 2005
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 06 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 11 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 10 (postcard)
FEBRUARY 11, 2005
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 06 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 11 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 10 (postcard)
February 10, 2005
Ants.... Ants Everywhere
Ants... a long trail of ants. This is what I discovered upon entering my house today after work. And what did they want? Goldfish... yeah Goldfish. I don't know why. Perhaps they were using them to construct a giant monument in honor of these tastey crackers. We'll never know, because a immediately vacuumed them up and took them in their new vacuum cleaner bag home to the dumpster.
Speaking of vacuum cleaner bags, Zimmerman was quite disappointed with the wonderful box she received from me. 'Heart to Heart Day Alteration AE' was a lovely little green box that contained a used vacuum cleaner bag. It's a key piece in the entire body of that work. I worked on it form July 20 - December 31, 2004. Zimmerman said she was expecting something really special when she unwrapped and opened the box (just like I felt when I received her hairball box). Another word for revenge is trots... it means shit. That's what you get I suppose. But I must reiterate the fact that 'Heart to Heart Day Alteration AE' is an important work. If not for the fact that it's a part of a larger body, for the fact that it is a Retroconsumerism piece. That alone makes it a precious piece to own, seeing as I've done only a few true Retroconsumeristic pieces thus far outside of the 2004 Fluoride Set. She should feel special... it fits in with other uncompleted Retroconsumerism works from the 'Events & Artifacts' series. I'm actually kinda sad to see it go. Ohh well, maybe one day she'll understand it once she receives the other 4 works. But i assured her that she would start receiving other correspondence pieces that aren't as complex to comprehend. Sherrill told me that Barker and her feared that Zimmerman might tear open the vacuum cleaner bag thinking their was something hidden within it. I thought that was totally hilarious.
After I took care of the ant situation Kanka stopped over and we had a few drinks. We sat around and watched some movies I had received from NETFLIX — Director's Series, Vol. 1 - The Work of Director Spike Jonze & Director's Series, Vol. 1 - The Work of Director Michel Gordry. Really great stuff... was really surprised to see how many of my favorite videos were done by Gordry. The guys a genius... simple as that.
Spent the night cutting out the back sides of the mass mailer Valentines i'm sending out this week. However i fear i will not be able to send them out until this saturday. So I think some will arrive on V-Day for some people and some will arrive the day after. Not that big a deal to me... If I were smart (now that i think of it this is a better idea) I should send them on the 14th so they have a 14th post mark on them. I'm gonna do them that way instead... it'll give me a little more time to make them look better too.

Speaking of vacuum cleaner bags, Zimmerman was quite disappointed with the wonderful box she received from me. 'Heart to Heart Day Alteration AE' was a lovely little green box that contained a used vacuum cleaner bag. It's a key piece in the entire body of that work. I worked on it form July 20 - December 31, 2004. Zimmerman said she was expecting something really special when she unwrapped and opened the box (just like I felt when I received her hairball box). Another word for revenge is trots... it means shit. That's what you get I suppose. But I must reiterate the fact that 'Heart to Heart Day Alteration AE' is an important work. If not for the fact that it's a part of a larger body, for the fact that it is a Retroconsumerism piece. That alone makes it a precious piece to own, seeing as I've done only a few true Retroconsumeristic pieces thus far outside of the 2004 Fluoride Set. She should feel special... it fits in with other uncompleted Retroconsumerism works from the 'Events & Artifacts' series. I'm actually kinda sad to see it go. Ohh well, maybe one day she'll understand it once she receives the other 4 works. But i assured her that she would start receiving other correspondence pieces that aren't as complex to comprehend. Sherrill told me that Barker and her feared that Zimmerman might tear open the vacuum cleaner bag thinking their was something hidden within it. I thought that was totally hilarious.
After I took care of the ant situation Kanka stopped over and we had a few drinks. We sat around and watched some movies I had received from NETFLIX — Director's Series, Vol. 1 - The Work of Director Spike Jonze & Director's Series, Vol. 1 - The Work of Director Michel Gordry. Really great stuff... was really surprised to see how many of my favorite videos were done by Gordry. The guys a genius... simple as that.
Spent the night cutting out the back sides of the mass mailer Valentines i'm sending out this week. However i fear i will not be able to send them out until this saturday. So I think some will arrive on V-Day for some people and some will arrive the day after. Not that big a deal to me... If I were smart (now that i think of it this is a better idea) I should send them on the 14th so they have a 14th post mark on them. I'm gonna do them that way instead... it'll give me a little more time to make them look better too.

February 09, 2005
Back to Normal... For Now
FEBRUARY 9, 2005
BARKER - More Than Three Occasions 04 (letter)
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 05 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 10 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 09 (postcard)
FEBRUARY 9, 2005
BARKER - More Than Three Occasions 04 (letter)
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 05 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 10 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 09 (postcard)
February 08, 2005
Rabid Responces
Still not feeling very well today. Just came back from work early.. from which I arrived at late. Go figure. Having trouble eating food still too. Went out for soup with Kanka before our 1PM meeting.. thought I'd be able to eat something. Lost cause.
Heard several people respond back today through e-mail and phone, that they recieved their 'Rabid' correspondences. A lot of confussed people. Great!! I gave them no logical explanation... only that they should watch their mailbox closely and things would start to make sense eventually.
Water... Juice... Pills... Sleep
Heard several people respond back today through e-mail and phone, that they recieved their 'Rabid' correspondences. A lot of confussed people. Great!! I gave them no logical explanation... only that they should watch their mailbox closely and things would start to make sense eventually.
Water... Juice... Pills... Sleep
February 07, 2005
Sick Again.. This is Ludicrous!!
OK ... This will be short. I'm sick again... worse than last week. Body feels like it's been broken all over. Cold as ice but sweeting bullets. Ohh and did I mention the non-stop vomit. Yeah I'm really enjoying the ones when there is nothing to give to the bowl. Feels great!
Water... Juice... Pills... Sleep
Water... Juice... Pills... Sleep
February 06, 2005
Feeling Like Hell.. What Is This
Woke up this morning feeling like death had passed over me in the middle of the night again!! Left Sherrills for home to sleep when she took Barker back to the airport. I'm going to sleep.
February 05, 2005
Barkers Here? What the F@*%!!!
Barker showed up yesterday night. I guess he flew in just for fun and drinks... which we had a few. Was extremely suprised to learn that Barker didn't know who Ray Johnson was and had never seen 'How To Draw A Bunny'. I fugured he would have betten me to it. Ohh well the gag will be slightly on him now... if he ever refers back to some of my old mailings I'm sure he be suprised to see all the little Johnson clues that have been in quite a few. We ended up staying the night a Sherrills and watch the film and had some drink.
Today I woke up early ande painted the front sides of 15 correspondences — Kutzbach, Reynolds, Schaefer, York. Just basic white paint pieces. We went on a city tour of galleries and such. Didn't see anything that was of major interest. Barker was interested in getting photos of grafitti so we toured around for stuff like that and then went back to Sherrills for the evening.
I completed a set of 5 correspondences for Newman that are interesting but I'm going to have to develope more. They just are as worked as I'd like them to be. Again, dealing with themes that he's interested in now... only the images are cropped and blown out of porporton so much that it's hard to read what they originally were — outside of a set of large colored pixels. Ha —
Today I woke up early ande painted the front sides of 15 correspondences — Kutzbach, Reynolds, Schaefer, York. Just basic white paint pieces. We went on a city tour of galleries and such. Didn't see anything that was of major interest. Barker was interested in getting photos of grafitti so we toured around for stuff like that and then went back to Sherrills for the evening.
I completed a set of 5 correspondences for Newman that are interesting but I'm going to have to develope more. They just are as worked as I'd like them to be. Again, dealing with themes that he's interested in now... only the images are cropped and blown out of porporton so much that it's hard to read what they originally were — outside of a set of large colored pixels. Ha —
February 04, 2005
Biggest Correspondence Day Yet!!!
Today is a big big day. Sending out a total of 30 correspondences - 5 unique and a set of 25 mass mailers. I'm pretty excited to see if everyone gets theirs and what the response will be from people who aren't expecting to receive the new mass mailings. Can't wait to see if anyone replies. Also today I am sending the fifth component in the Zimmerman 'Heart to Heart Day Alteration's. This one is a nice little package... err box to be more accurate.
While I was cataloging all of the 'Rabid' correspondences, I was surprised how all the different words generated for each card had some sort of meaning for each person. All the words used are related to the worked rabid in some fashion or another. Each set of words were placed in a random-ordered fashion, but as chaos has it patterns and similarities always emerge. For example - Newman has 'Rabid: hydrophobic/mad-dog' now while hydrophobic meaning lacking affinity for water may not apply to him, the term mad-dog fits him perfectly because of the 'Lost Dog' series of art works he has produced. Also - Kutzbach 'Rabid: hot/made' fits very well with his new rock-n-roll lead singer lifestyle. Hot meaning very popular or successful and made meaning successful or assured of success... perhaps I'm a fortune teller of sorts who knows. But I just find it interesting that the randomly choosen words fit so well with so many people.
Now the most interesting aspect of this first mass mailing is the Olive situation. Olive is a guy I went to college with for a short period of time... I think only the first semester freshman year. He then transferred to UMASS (home of Frank Black). All I have is an address in Connecticut that I've had around for about 8 years now. I don't know if he or any of his relatives are currently at this address, so it will be interesting to see what happens with that correspondence and future ones — whether it reaches its intended target audience and if it generates any response. We shall see... we shall see.
UPDATE: Just took mail to the post office and the guy behind the counter was giving me all sorts of flack over the Zimmerman package for several reason. First, for it's lack of a return address to which i informed him - "I never put return address. If it gets lost that's your problem." Second, for the label I put on it which states CAUTION RETROCONSUMERISTIC MATERIAL. He told me that was suspicious and could cause problems. To which i replied - "Look.. I could write SEVERED HAND on the thing... your still gonna mail it reguardless." Third, when he questioned me about the contents of the package, I explained to him what Retroconsumerism was and told him what was inside. To which he replied - "Why in the world would you want to mail something like that?" I laffed. Forth, after he had taped it and stickered it I told him I had to take a photo of it... which after explaining to him that I did Mail Art and had to document everything in case they lost it, he informed me again that I should put a return address on it and then reluctantly let me take a photo of it on the floor.

FEBRUARY 4, 2005
BARKER - More Than Three Occasions 03 (letter)
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 04 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 09 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 08 (postcard)
ZIMMERMAN - Heart to Heart Day Alteration AE (package)
BARKER - Rabid: extremist/revolutionary (postcard)
BUTTREY - Rabid: fanatical/raging (postcard)
COTELIA - Rabid: fervent/radical (postcard)
DURAN - Rabid: flipped/poisoned (postcard)
GLASSO - Rabid: frantic/overboard (postcard)
HARL - Rabid: freaked out/obsessed (postcard)
HOLLENBECK - Rabid: frenetic/nutty (postcard)
KANKA - Rabid: frenzied/narrow-minded (postcard)
KIDWELL - Rabid: furious/maniacal (postcard)
KUTZBACH - Rabid: hot/made (postcard)
NEWMAN - Rabid: hydrophobic/mad-dog (postcard)
OLIVE - Rabid: infuriated/mad (postcard)
PEARSON - Rabid: insane/keen (postcard)
REYNOLDS - Rabid: intemperate/irrational (postcard)
SCHAEFER - Rabid: berserk/zealous (postcard)
SHERRILL - Rabid: bigoted/wild (postcard)
SKOREPA - Rabid: bitten/virulent (postcard)
SMITH - Rabid: bugged/violent (postcard)
STATTS - Rabid: corybantic/ultraist (postcard)
SYLVESTER - Rabid: crazed/ultra (postcard)
VINSON - Rabid: crazy/stoned (postcard)
WEISS - Rabid: delirious/steamed up (postcard)
WHITLOCK - Rabid: deranged/smoking (postcard)
YORK - Rabid: enthusiastic/sizzling (postcard)
ZIMMERMAN - Rabid: extreme/sick (postcard)
While I was cataloging all of the 'Rabid' correspondences, I was surprised how all the different words generated for each card had some sort of meaning for each person. All the words used are related to the worked rabid in some fashion or another. Each set of words were placed in a random-ordered fashion, but as chaos has it patterns and similarities always emerge. For example - Newman has 'Rabid: hydrophobic/mad-dog' now while hydrophobic meaning lacking affinity for water may not apply to him, the term mad-dog fits him perfectly because of the 'Lost Dog' series of art works he has produced. Also - Kutzbach 'Rabid: hot/made' fits very well with his new rock-n-roll lead singer lifestyle. Hot meaning very popular or successful and made meaning successful or assured of success... perhaps I'm a fortune teller of sorts who knows. But I just find it interesting that the randomly choosen words fit so well with so many people.
Now the most interesting aspect of this first mass mailing is the Olive situation. Olive is a guy I went to college with for a short period of time... I think only the first semester freshman year. He then transferred to UMASS (home of Frank Black). All I have is an address in Connecticut that I've had around for about 8 years now. I don't know if he or any of his relatives are currently at this address, so it will be interesting to see what happens with that correspondence and future ones — whether it reaches its intended target audience and if it generates any response. We shall see... we shall see.
UPDATE: Just took mail to the post office and the guy behind the counter was giving me all sorts of flack over the Zimmerman package for several reason. First, for it's lack of a return address to which i informed him - "I never put return address. If it gets lost that's your problem." Second, for the label I put on it which states CAUTION RETROCONSUMERISTIC MATERIAL. He told me that was suspicious and could cause problems. To which i replied - "Look.. I could write SEVERED HAND on the thing... your still gonna mail it reguardless." Third, when he questioned me about the contents of the package, I explained to him what Retroconsumerism was and told him what was inside. To which he replied - "Why in the world would you want to mail something like that?" I laffed. Forth, after he had taped it and stickered it I told him I had to take a photo of it... which after explaining to him that I did Mail Art and had to document everything in case they lost it, he informed me again that I should put a return address on it and then reluctantly let me take a photo of it on the floor.
FEBRUARY 4, 2005
BARKER - More Than Three Occasions 03 (letter)
HOLLENBECK - Left Foot 04 (drawing/collage)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 09 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 08 (postcard)
ZIMMERMAN - Heart to Heart Day Alteration AE (package)
BARKER - Rabid: extremist/revolutionary (postcard)
BUTTREY - Rabid: fanatical/raging (postcard)
COTELIA - Rabid: fervent/radical (postcard)
DURAN - Rabid: flipped/poisoned (postcard)
GLASSO - Rabid: frantic/overboard (postcard)
HARL - Rabid: freaked out/obsessed (postcard)
HOLLENBECK - Rabid: frenetic/nutty (postcard)
KANKA - Rabid: frenzied/narrow-minded (postcard)
KIDWELL - Rabid: furious/maniacal (postcard)
KUTZBACH - Rabid: hot/made (postcard)
NEWMAN - Rabid: hydrophobic/mad-dog (postcard)
OLIVE - Rabid: infuriated/mad (postcard)
PEARSON - Rabid: insane/keen (postcard)
REYNOLDS - Rabid: intemperate/irrational (postcard)
SCHAEFER - Rabid: berserk/zealous (postcard)
SHERRILL - Rabid: bigoted/wild (postcard)
SKOREPA - Rabid: bitten/virulent (postcard)
SMITH - Rabid: bugged/violent (postcard)
STATTS - Rabid: corybantic/ultraist (postcard)
SYLVESTER - Rabid: crazed/ultra (postcard)
VINSON - Rabid: crazy/stoned (postcard)
WEISS - Rabid: delirious/steamed up (postcard)
WHITLOCK - Rabid: deranged/smoking (postcard)
YORK - Rabid: enthusiastic/sizzling (postcard)
ZIMMERMAN - Rabid: extreme/sick (postcard)
February 03, 2005
First Missing In Action
Well it finally happened, I received word from Weiss today that he never received 'Miss March / Miss November 02', probably the keystone to that whole series of correspondences. We are hoping it will turn up but I'm very doubtful at this point. I told him that at the end of this set I'd mail him a color copy of the originals just so he could have it. So I'm a little depressed... that was my favorite correspondence in the entire series. It's also the first time ever that a piece has been lost (stolen) while in transit and I've been mailing stuff for about 4 years now. First with Newman, then with Barker and now this year with the correspondence list. I've had works of art stolen before so I'm not stunned, but this just goes to show why all of these correspondences need to be documented and cataloged before they are entered into the system. So here it is for all to see.

Tonight I will scan and catalog the first mass mailer works 'Rabid'. They will be going out tomm. I'll also continue production on the 'Valentine' mass mailers.
Also yesterday I traded an old scanner for a large box of 70's Playboy magazines. These are going to make for great correspondence materials. I'll also be using them in some fashion with the '100 Small Works: Hot, Young and Eager on 25¢ a Day' series.
p.s. DEATH TO COMCAST CABLE..... you evil bastards. I still have no internet.
FEBRUARY 3, 2005
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 08 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 07 (postcard)

Tonight I will scan and catalog the first mass mailer works 'Rabid'. They will be going out tomm. I'll also continue production on the 'Valentine' mass mailers.
Also yesterday I traded an old scanner for a large box of 70's Playboy magazines. These are going to make for great correspondence materials. I'll also be using them in some fashion with the '100 Small Works: Hot, Young and Eager on 25¢ a Day' series.
p.s. DEATH TO COMCAST CABLE..... you evil bastards. I still have no internet.
FEBRUARY 3, 2005
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 08 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 07 (postcard)
February 02, 2005
Folk Art Show A Blast - Bigger List!!!
The Folk Art Show opened last night and it was awsome. Sherrill did a great job... I'm so proud of her efforts. Everything she put together was perfect. Got to the Woodruff at about 6pm and went across the street to drink martinis with Kanka before the show. Linton eventually joined us. We were seated in a window seat and I saw linton approaching the entrance from a distance... man what a crazy hat he had on. Totally 1950's style.. the kind Newman always used to were when we were in college together. I wonder if he still wears that.
Ran into some new and old faces at the show and just had to get their mailing addresses. So again the list has increased by 5. Now I'm at 30 and I'm sure it will get bigger in the coming months. This group will all recieve the Valentines Mass mailing that will go out middle of next week... hopefully hitting just before V-Day.
Barker. Aaron — Dallas, Texas
- Beasley, Elizabeth — Atlanta, Georgia
Buttrey. Kevin — Cleveland, Tennessee
Cotealia. Spring — Chattanooga, Tennessee
Duran, Dave — Savannah, Georgia
Glasso. Tracy — Atlanta, Georgia
Harl, Michael — Richmond, Virginia
- Herrle, Jake — Atlanta, Georgia
Hollenbeck. Phi — Dallas, Texas
Kanka. Jaroslav — Atlanta, Georgia
Kidwell. Martha — Charleston, Tennessee
Kutzback. Donny — Kenmore, New York
- Linton, David — Atlanta, Georgia
Newman. Scott — Savannah, Georgia
Olive, Frank — Bethel. Connecticut
Pearson. Olivia — Charlotte, North Carolina
Reynold. Tom — Powder Springs, Georgia
Schaefer. Susan — Grand Island, New York
Sherrill. Nancy — Marietta, Georgia
Skorepa, Dave — North Royalton, Ohio
Smith, Jeannette — Atlanta, Georgia
- Stanford, Chris — Lilburn, Georgia
Statts. Jason — Savannah, Georgia
- Steeger, Robin — Dallas, Georgia
Sylvester, Olie — Auburn, Georgia
Vinson. Chuk — Atlanta, Georgia
Weiss. Danny — Miami Beach, Florida
Whitlock, Laurie — Chattanooga, Tennessee
York. James — Brighton, Michigan
Zimmerman. Cassandra — Dallas, Texas
FEBRUARY 2, 2005
BARKER - More Than Three Occasions 02 (letter)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 07 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 06 (postcard)
Ran into some new and old faces at the show and just had to get their mailing addresses. So again the list has increased by 5. Now I'm at 30 and I'm sure it will get bigger in the coming months. This group will all recieve the Valentines Mass mailing that will go out middle of next week... hopefully hitting just before V-Day.
Barker. Aaron — Dallas, Texas
- Beasley, Elizabeth — Atlanta, Georgia
Buttrey. Kevin — Cleveland, Tennessee
Cotealia. Spring — Chattanooga, Tennessee
Duran, Dave — Savannah, Georgia
Glasso. Tracy — Atlanta, Georgia
Harl, Michael — Richmond, Virginia
- Herrle, Jake — Atlanta, Georgia
Hollenbeck. Phi — Dallas, Texas
Kanka. Jaroslav — Atlanta, Georgia
Kidwell. Martha — Charleston, Tennessee
Kutzback. Donny — Kenmore, New York
- Linton, David — Atlanta, Georgia
Newman. Scott — Savannah, Georgia
Olive, Frank — Bethel. Connecticut
Pearson. Olivia — Charlotte, North Carolina
Reynold. Tom — Powder Springs, Georgia
Schaefer. Susan — Grand Island, New York
Sherrill. Nancy — Marietta, Georgia
Skorepa, Dave — North Royalton, Ohio
Smith, Jeannette — Atlanta, Georgia
- Stanford, Chris — Lilburn, Georgia
Statts. Jason — Savannah, Georgia
- Steeger, Robin — Dallas, Georgia
Sylvester, Olie — Auburn, Georgia
Vinson. Chuk — Atlanta, Georgia
Weiss. Danny — Miami Beach, Florida
Whitlock, Laurie — Chattanooga, Tennessee
York. James — Brighton, Michigan
Zimmerman. Cassandra — Dallas, Texas
FEBRUARY 2, 2005
BARKER - More Than Three Occasions 02 (letter)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 07 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 06 (postcard)
February 01, 2005
New Month = New Methods
Since the correspondence list is still growing and I can't possibly send everyone on it a unique mailing every day or even every week I've decided that ontop of sending out the unique pieces, I will also be sending out one mass mailing every other week and on holidays to everyone on the correspondence list no matter how large it grows. This way people who might not recieve unique pieces as frequently as others will still have some form of contact from me.
The first set of cards to go out will be to the new list of 25. The correspondences are called 'Rabids' and while each of them are close to identical in nature they are all slightly unique. Each has a set of different synonyms that relate to the word rabid on the back side and a photograph of me and a dog, taken by Kanka, on the front. They all look really cool. I hope everyone gets them and enkoys them. I'm still waiting to confire 2 peoples addresses, but I plan on sending these out on friday. the trasferral listing is gonna be big.
The first set of cards to go out will be to the new list of 25. The correspondences are called 'Rabids' and while each of them are close to identical in nature they are all slightly unique. Each has a set of different synonyms that relate to the word rabid on the back side and a photograph of me and a dog, taken by Kanka, on the front. They all look really cool. I hope everyone gets them and enkoys them. I'm still waiting to confire 2 peoples addresses, but I plan on sending these out on friday. the trasferral listing is gonna be big.
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